Should you be unhappy with the treatment or service you have received from Event Medic Services Ltd (EMS) you are entitled to make a complaint, have it considered, and receive a response from the Managing Director of EMS.
Who can complain?
A complaint can be made by a patient or person affected or likely to be affected by the actions or decisions of EMS. A complaint can also be made by someone acting on behalf of the patient or person, with their consent.
What is the time limit for making a complaint?
You should normally complain within 12 months of the event(s) concerned or within 12 months of becoming aware that you have something to complain about the Managing Director of EMS has the discretion to waive this time limit if there are good reasons why you could not complain earlier.
To whom should I complain initially?
Local resolution aims to resolve complaints quickly and as close to the source of the complaint as possible using the most appropriate means. You can raise your concerns immediately by speaking to a member of staff. They may be able to resolve your concerns without the need to make a more formal complaint. However, if you want to continue with a formal complaint you can do this by telephone, email or letter to the Managing Director. If you make your complaint orally a written record will be made by the Managing Director and you will be asked to sign a copy to confirm that you agree with the content.
To help us deal with your complaint effectively, please provide the following information when you contact us:
Please note that in order for us to investigate your complaint thoroughly, it may be necessary for us to share details of the incident in question with other NHS organisations i.e. Local Ambulance Service. If you would prefer us not to do this please make the Managing Director aware when you first contact us.